According to one scholar’s count, “as much as a tenth” of the medieval city of York could be involved in the productioN of this massive project.

Here are ways that you might lend a hand to help make the York Plays 2025 happen:


We’re still not completely sure if we’ll be doing our productions on mobile wagon stages, as our medieval predecessors did — more definitive news there soon!

But for now we DEFINITELY need to recruit some strong volunteers (anyone who generally can lift and carry a 40-pound backpack, or kid, without injury is good to go!) to help our play cast members physically drag their wagon stages from location to location.

Medieval English players called their pulling crew “putters.” And while most of our pulling will be done by cast members, we need volunteer putters to help them!

We’re asking volunteer putters to sign up for three-hour chunks of time, starting at 5:45am on the performance date. Click here to see what time-slots are still available — and then contact us to sign up for a spot, or to learn more!.


Medieval York’s dramatists, in order to show their plays to everyone across their city, had each play repeat multiple times at multiple stations. That means a very long performance day, with roughly 5-minute-long transitions every 20-25 minutes or so! Most likely, the dramatists turned to the local waits, resident musicians officially appointed by the medieval city, to bring life to these transitions and keep the energy alive.

So we want to invite any willing volunteer musicians to play during our transitions! We welcome musicians of any genre, solo acts or groups, playing music from any period, as long as your music can be easily started and stopped on cue, and can be heard clearly and powerfully outdoors without amplification.

We’re keeping this casual — contact us if you’re interested in playing some tunes and we’ll let you know what times are best to come!


Are you in for the long haul? We need volunteers in multiple positions who are able to commit to attending for the entire performance day. All volunteers will be able to see all the plays, but you’ll do so while helping the plays happen.  Click here to see what positions are still available — and then contact us to sign up for a position, or to learn more!