According to one scholar’s count, “as much as a tenth” of the medieval city of York could be “involved in the production” of this massive project.

The big performance date is a long way off, but some folks are already asking for ways to help!  So, since you asked, here are ways that you or your organization might lend a hand:


volunteer with us during the performance (or in the months leading up to it)!  We’re currently amassing a list of Toronto local volunteers (or folks who plan to be in town for the show) and we’re happy to add your name and email address if you’d like to give us some of your time.  We’ll probably start offering and assigning jobs in late fall 2024. Email us to learn more!


Play music at our festival!  We’d like local volunteer musicians to play during the multiple transitions at our show, and are looking for any genre as long as it’s local, can be heard outdoors widely and with no electronic amplification, and involves no words/lyrics.  Email us to learn more!

Donate to our cause!  you can make a tax-deductible donation to PLS through Canada Helps — please specify that you want your donation to go specifically to York Plays 2025. 

give space

Share or donate space!  We’re looking for space for rehearsals (anywhere with a wide open floor and furniture that can be moved to the side), storage space (any size, but especially places we might store wagon stages, about 8x12 feet), and spare rooms in which participants to stay during the shows in june. Email us to learn more!